Group Leader

Tamanaé Vargas Salazar

The recreational value of caves is well known and has been exploited for economic benefit for many years. However, the situation is far from optimal and there is significant conflict between the different stakeholders (e.g. tour operators, local residents, management institutions and governments).

Some of the most common concerns brought up by stakeholders are the damage caused to caves by non-regulated visits, lack of certification for cave tour guides, or exceeding their carrying capacity due an insufficent offer.

CARIBSS aims to succesfully address these issues in order to enhance the experience for the cave visitors, and ensure the protection of the values contained in the caves.

Group Projects:
Education, Tourism and Recreation GroupOngoingProjects

Bonaire Cave & Karst Recreational Park

DESCRIPTION In order to guarantee the enjoyment and safety of visitors as well as the integrity of the caves, this project aims to create a cave park with proper trails to access cave entrances and signage including cave maps showing the different levels of difficulty, safety indications and highlighting cave values. It will be imperative that…

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Education, Tourism and Recreation GroupProjectsSuccesfully Completed

Bonaire Cave Tour Guide Certification Course

DESCRIPTION Caves in Bonaire are relatively unexplored and non-documented, with the exception of a few ones. These caves are frequently visited by tourists and locals and receive a significant impact due improper caving procedures or lack of coordination. The Bonaire Dry Cave Guide Certification Course aims to solve this problem, by providing quality training for cave guides,…

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